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Rosamaría Bolom by Elina Nissinen

Rosamaría Bolom

Mexico (1977)


I am Rosamaría Bolom, psychologist, artist and  cultural promoter. I was born in Mexico and now I live in Finland since 2009. Sculpture, painting, engraving, poetry & performance are some of my elements. As psychologist am interested in human relations, symbolic language and society in the globalized world. As an artist I am convinced that the universal language comes from the soul and art is the best tool to combat misunderstanding, prejudices, racism, ignorance, fear and other contemporary ills.


In Finland I have taken part in many projects that promote multiculturalism, art, human rights and especially children´s rights.


Olen Rosamaría Bolom, meksikolaistaustainen psykologi, taiteilija ja kulttuurin edustaja. Olen asunut Helsingissä vuodesta 2009. Veistokset, maalaukset, runot, ja performanssit ovat minun elementtejä. Psykologina  olen kiinnostunut  toiseudesta,  subjektiivisuudesta,  ihmisten  suhteesta  ja  symbolisesta  kielestä. Taiteilijana uskon että että       taide       on       paras       väline      vaikuttaa  positiivisesti yhteiskuntaa lapsuudesta alkaen.


Suomessa olen osallistunut moniin projekteihin, joissa monikulttuurisuutta, taidetta, ihmisoikeuksia ja erityisesti lasten oikeuksia edistetään.





Bachelor’s Thesis: Circus Community, A Ethnographic Study

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico City




Art Therapy. Group process

Open Aalto University

Helsinki, Finland


2023.  Naisasiaunioni liitto
. Acuerpamineto against violence. 

2022.  Naisasiaunioni liitto. Small support for Otroas Feminismoas Encounters.
2020. Kari Mattila Foundation - Project Grant. We Want What We Do. Actions against gender violence through +Collective
2020. Suomen Kultuurirahasto - Project Grant. Mechanism of Conformity (MOC). Production & Installation of four-channel video work. Mänttä Art Festival XXV. Mänttä
2020. TAIKE - Project grant. Third Space: Resisting Together. Intime multimedia art program
2019. TAIKE - Travel grant. La Colectiva book presentation in Mexico. Finland
2019. Alli Paasikivi - Project grant. Mask and Theater workshop in collaboration with Yhteiset Lapsemme. Finland
2018. TAIKE - Project grant. Third Space: Five Years Re-Defining Diversity. Curatorial program and publication. Finland
2018. Helsinki City - Project Grant. Third Space Festival. Dealing with equality and diversity. Finland
2018. Kari Mattila Foundation - Project Grant. Mixtas & Radicales. Migration, identity and belonging. Finland
2018. Catalysti Transcultural Artists in Finland - Project grant. MOC Collective. Hair and identity. Espoo
2018. Lasten ja Nuorten Säätiö - Glow Grant. Masks and Theater workshop. Monikulttuurisessa Koti Ilolassa. Finland
2017. Alfred Kordelin - Lifelong Learning Grant. Children rights and animals rights. Finland
2017. Kone Säätiö - Muistikuvat Project Grant. Latin American identity in Finland. Finland
2017. TAIKE - Project Grant. MOC COllective. Hair and Identity. Helsinki


SOLO Exhibitions

25-27.8.23 Katu kertoo Suomesta. Tutkijaliitto Kesäkoulu. Meritorni. Helsinki

3.10-24.11.22 Ilo on lapsen Oikeus. Oikeudet Kaikille! Sipoo, Finland

2-28.11.21 Auringon ja Kuun pimennyksen jälkeen. BokVillan Ilo on lapsen oikeus ja taide on elämää. Solo exhibition at Galleria Myötatuuli, Raahe, Finland

2020 Ilo on lapsen Oikeus. Oikeudet Kaikille!, Hamina Main Library, Finland

2019 Ilo on lapsen Oikeus. Oikeudet Kaikille!, Main Library of Kotka

2019 Ilo on lapsen Oikeus. Oikeudet Kaikille!, International Cultural Centre CAISA, Helsinki

2018 Ilo on lapsen Oikeus. Oikeudet Kaikille!, Art Cultural Centre Annantalo, Helsinki

2018 Patways of Desire. Kraam Gallery. Tallinn, Estonia

2016 Katu Kertoo. Photography installation. Third Space Gallery. Helsinki 

2016 Lentaviä Naisia Installation. Third Space Gallery. Helsinki 

2015 Naamiot ja eläinhahmoja, Porvoon Taidetehdas, Porvoo, Finland

2014 (UN) Persona. Third Space Gallery. Helsinki 

2013 Oraalisuus. Pub Sirdie. Helsinki 

2012 Seitsemän Modernia Kuolemansyntiä. Rikhardinkatu Kirjasto. Helsinki 

2010 Seitsemän Syntiä Tai Nautinnon Teitä. Arla Sauna. Helsinki 

2009 Nainen, Loputtomat Mahdollisuudet. Rauhanasema. Helsinki

2009 Mujeres Traba ja...ando. Legislative Assembly of the Federal District. Mexico, D.F 


GROUP / CURATED Exhibitions

2023 Art Lotery. Outo Olo. Helsinki

2023 Under the Rainbow.  Summer exhibition.  Helsinki Artists' Association Art. Helsinki

2021 My Childhood at Annantalo. Annantalo Arts Centre, Helsinki

2021 NeoNorte 3.0. Myymälä2, Helsinki

2021 Mirror. immersive Installation by MOC Collective. Mänttä Art Festival, Mänttä, Finland

2020 2084. Exhibition and collective art festival curated by Anne Klontz through Catalysti ry, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki

2020 Fragmentos. Neo-surrealistic cardboard, graphite, colleges and photographs. Bokvillan Galleria. Helsinki 

2019 Katu kertoo Suomesta. La Colectiva se Alimenta. Galleria Más Allá. Puebla, Mexico

2018 Me recuerdo a mí misma//Muistan itseni. Installation at "Objekti" -outdoor exhibition of contemporary sculpture, installation and environmental art in and around Espoon keskus- with Mechanics of the Conformity supported by Catalysti and TAIKE. 

2018 Katu Kertoo Suomesta at Dear Suomi Exhibition. Collective Exhibition curated by Hanna Kress for Helsinki International Artists Association. Rantakasarmi Gallery, Suomenlinna, Finland.

2017 Interrupted Cosiness. Poetry-sonic-installation at the Contemporary Museum of Estonia EKKM. Tallinn, Estonia

2017 Mechanics of the Conformity. Collaborative intervention to explore concepts of identity, relationships, perceptions and otherness through hair between Catalysti artists supported by Catalysti,  {RUNO - KOE} - Experimental Poetry Room, Third Space, Taike and the City of Helsinki.

2017 Night of the Arts. Collective exhibition as part of Helsinki International Artists’ Association. Weekend Gallery. Helsinki. Finland

​2016 Metamorphosis. Collective exhibition by Helsinki International Artists Association. Caisa Cultural Centre. Finland

2015 Echoes. Poetry intervention at Mänttä Art Festival with Third Space Collective and Yvapurü Samaniego. Finland

2015 Paljastus: Erotic  Exposure. Galleria Värinä, Rovaniemi, Finland

2015 Women Communicating Across and Through Art. Caisa Cultural Centre, Finland

2014 Ayotzinapa: Actions and reflections against impunity Installation. Third Space Gallery, Helsinki, Finland

2014 Bestiario Onírico, Caisa International Cultural Centre, Finland

2013 Nimetön. Installation at Cinemaissi Festivaali. Bio Rex Elokuvateatteri. Helsinki, Finland 

2011 Caminos al Placer. Caisa Kulttuurikeskus. Helsinki 

2009 TIR Collective exhibition. Tlalpan Cultural Centre. Mexico, D.F 

2009 Art-Object. Futurama Youth Centre, Art and Culture. Mexico, D.F

2009 Discourses of Pleasure. Azcapotzalco Cultural Centre. Mexico, D.F

2008 Women in Art. Azcapotzalco Cultural Centre. Mexico, D.F

2008 TGP Collective exhibition. Taller de la Gráfica Popular. Mexico, D.F

2008 La A no excluye la Z. Metro Candelaria, gallery itinerant. Mexico, D.F 




Corpas que Voam. Installation conversational. Centro Cultural María antonia. Sao Paulo, Brasiul


Muistikuvat. IX Encuentro de Poesía Visual. Peñarroya-PuebloNuevo, Córdova, Spain


MEET THIRD SPACE. Art Fair Suomi. Third Space Gallery. Helsinki, Finland 2021

THREE ARTOTHEQUES TOGETHER. Helsingin Taiteilijaseura. Aarni Gallery. Espoo, Finland 2021

PRESENCIA/LÄSNÄOLO/PRESENCE. Red de Mujeres Finlandia. Third Space. Finland


Muistikuvat. La Colectiva Collective. Parque Bicentenario. Toluca. State of Mexico


Territories.La Colectiva Collective. Third Space. Helsinki, Finland

I remember myself. Mechanics of the Conformity at Contemporary Sculpture Festival “Objekti Festival”. Espoo, Finland

R e c o r t e s // L e i k k a u k s e t // b o d (I E S) by La Colectiva. Vastavirta Festival. Helsinki

Night of the Arts. Collaborative exhibition between artists of Helsinki International Artists’

Association. Global Art Point. Helsinki. Finland


Mechanics of the Conformity. Collaborative intervention to explore concepts of identity, relationships, perceptions and otherness through hair between Catalysti artists supported by Catalysti, {RUNO - KOE} - Experimental Poetry Room, Third Space, Taike and the City of Helsinki

Night of the Arts. Collaborative exhibition between artists of Helsinki International Artists’

Association. Weekend Gallery. Helsinki. Finland

Unattainable Maps. Visual poetry and collage with Martina Miño, Roxana Crisólogo, Lalo Barrubia. Maailma Kylässä, Helsinki


CURED Exhibitions

2017 Pihalla!? Mask exhibition from the  Puppet & Mask Theater Workshop  project with Finnish and refugees youth through Yhteiset Lapsemme Ry supported by TAIKE as part of the Collective Exhibition at Annantalo.  Annantalo, Helsinki. Finland

2015 Niños Héroes by Humberto Valdéz into the Mexican Cultural Month, Porvoon Taidetehdas, Porvoo, Finland

2014 La Reina de los Tacos by Humberto Valdéz into the Mexican Cultural Month, Caisa International Cultural Centre, Finland



2019 Participatory Intervention.  Imantas Urban Festival with Sepideh Rahaa as a collaboration of Third Space Colective. Riga, Latvia

2019 Mechanics of Conformity.  Duo performance with Sepideh Rahaa as a collaboration of MOC Colective. Performance Riga Festival. Riga, Latvia

2018 Juuret by La Colectiva collective. RunoKuu festival. Lavaklubi, Helsinki. Finland

Roots and Dreams. Concept for the Sanahuone: Revolutionary poetry performance. RunoKuu Festival. Bio Rex, Helsinki, Finland

2017 Three points of view: What is the meaning of life? Performativa Assembly with music, contemporary dance and poetry. With the intervention of Viktor X, Geneva Rosett-Hafter at the Night of the Arts. Weekend Gallery. Helsinki. Finland

2017 Unattainable Maps. Visual poetry and collage with Martina Miño, Roxana Crisólogo, Lalo Barrubia. Maailma Kylässä, Helsinki  

​2016 Voices of F. Monika-Naiset Liito. Astoria Saali. Helsinki

2016 Mutanttikieltä goes Jyväskylä. Poetry intervention with the intervention of the Nepalist artist, Abhisek Nakarmi. Gloria Cultural Centre. Jyväskylä

2016 Ashes. Intervention at Ashes Performance by Diana Soria Hernandez in the Teatteri Korkeakoulu

2016 Voices of F. Feminist Festival of Social Theater. St. Petersburg, Russia

2016 OccupARTy. Intervention with Eva’s Ribs project in Caisa at OccupARTy Artist' Week. Caisa

2016 Kehonvapaus. Moderm Slaves. Performance at Caisa.

​2015 Sanahuone. Migrate. Poetry performance with sound art performance at Caisa  

2015 Ayotzinapa: Actions and Reflections. Intervention and performance at Third Space, Helsinki

2014 Ayotzinapa: Actions and Reflections.  Intervention and performance at Third Space, Helsinki

2014 Sielun kieli. Nainen joka puhu suomea. Poetry performance at Caisa Cultural Centre, Helsinki

2014 Noche Andaluza. -Tarde de Toros. Poetry & flamenco with Cinta Hermo, Helmi Restaurant, Helsinki

2014 Songs of life & death. Poetry performance with James Andean at Caisa Cultural Centre, Helsinki

2014 Kirjallisuusilta:  Nainen, joka puhuu suomea. Poetry evening at Pakilan Kirkko, Helsinki

2014 Prospero's veils. Intervention at City Ghettos of Today, Centre Forum, Helsinki

2014 Runobus. Poetry performance Maailma Kylässä, Helsinki

2014 Caracol multicultural: Rojos ayer-rojos ahora. Poetry performance at Maailman Kirja, Helsinki

2014 Poetry Show Case. Rojos ayer-rojos ahora. Poetry performance at Third Space, Helsinki

2014 Jälkilöylyt. Poetry sauna at Arla Sauna, Helsinki

2014 Naisten elämäntarinoita. Poetry happening at Caisa Cultural Centre, Helsinki

2014 Alku. Poetry happening at Third Space, Helsinki

2014 Talvitunnelma. Poetry happening Pub Sirdie, Helsinki

2013 Orality. Poetry Happening at Pub Sirdie, Helsinki



2022 Me Recuerdo a mí misma. Screening at Cinemaissí. Helsinki. Finland
2022 Me Recuerdo a mí misma. Screening at IX Visual Poetry Encounter. Peñaroya-PuebloNuevo, Cordoba, Spain
Mixtas y Radicales. Reading video-poetry. Subversive Feminisms. Tutkijaliitto. Suomenlinna, Finland
Me Recuerdo a mí misma. Screening at VAFT /Video Art Festival Turku. Turku, Finland

2020 I remember myself -screening. Video Art Festival Turku VAFT 2020. Turku, Finland

2018 I remember myself. Mechanics of the Conformity at Äkkigalleria

2017 Interrupted Cosiness. Sound Poem in collaboration with Miguel Cortes. Finland-Mexico

2015 Echos. Sound Poem in collaboration with Juan Duarte. Finland

2014 Motorized Memories, video-poetry realized by Jing Wang and Eero Heikkinen. Video Poetry Marathon of Hack your Heritage, Aalto University, Helsinki

2014 Caracol Multicultural, Sivuvalo's book trailler with Anna Recasens & Ana Gutieszca



Abortti vihdoin laillinen Meksikossa. Unioni Naisasialiitto Suomessa Blog
Mexican Day of Death in Finland. Wiki-inventory for living Heritage. Online publication.

Me recuerdo a mí misma//Muistan itseni// I remember myself. XV Mäntänkuvataideviikot. 2021, Finland

Me recuerdo a mí misma//Muistan itseni// I remember myself. Visual poetry intervention at Objekti outdoor exhibition of contemporary sculpture, installation and environmental art Trapesa, Espoo

Todellisuuden Jälkiä. POEM.A Book, Art Artic Poetry, 1/2016, Finland

Passengers. Echoes Intervention by Third Space Collective and Yvapurü Bonnin at Mäntän Kuvataideviikot 2015, Finland

Taidetyöpajat toivat iloa ja vaihtelua, Yhteiset Lapsemme Magazine No.4/2014, Finland

Promoviendo talleres de arte, Yhteiset Lapsemme No. 3/2014, Finland

Recuerdos motorizados, Radiador Magazine No. 35/2014, Mexico

Sivuvalo book compilation, Into Kustannus, 2014, Mexico

Soy todas y ninguna. Mujer, ninfa, poeta. Boletín 1/2014, Suomen Espanjanopettajat Ry, Finland

Piñata, Boletín 1/2013, Boletín 1/2013, Suomen Espanjanopettajat Ry, Finland

Rojos Trilogía, Visión Magazine: Estudios de Publicación Política No. 30,  2011 Mexico

Salasanat, Blog.

Traspasando Fronteras  Teóricas Blog



Yhdessä by Riina Rastas. Maailmankuvalehti. 2/2024. Finland 

Tappava Virus by Kaisu Sofia Kinnunen. MeNaiset 8/2021. Finland

Lasten Puolesta by Mikko Määttä. Raahen Seutu. November 2020. Finland

Rosamaria Bolomin taidetta galleriassa Myötätuulessa by Jussi Häkkilä. Radio Pooki, November 2020. Finland

Rosamaría Bolom tekee vaikuttavaa taidetta by Irma Marttinen.  ISO NRO, May 2018, No. 25, Finland

Rosamaría Bolom haluaa tehdä vaikuttavaa taidetta by Irma Marttinen. Yhteiset Lapsemme Kevätnumero 2018, 1-2018, Finland

Get together Ströhössä! Naamioita, capoeiraa ja Seksikäs suklaa by Tanja Kuisma. Uusimaa,
December 2017, Finland

I mexiko får döden glittra by Maja-Stina Andersson., October 2014, Finland




2024 Kulps- Kulttuurikurkaus. High-quality artistic and pedagogical activities realize the objectives of the early childhood education plan in Espoo City. 

2024 Kulttuurikurkaus. High-quality artistic and pedagogical activities realize the objectives of the early childhood education plan in Espoo City. 

2023 COLLECTIVE BODYING —A C U E R P A R N O S— an intensive day of activities to reflect, share and do things together. Helsinki.

2023 Corpas que Voam. Conversational and Installation Workshop. Sau Paulo, Brasil 

2023 Kulttuurikurkaus. High-quality artistic and pedagogical activities realize the objectives of the early childhood education plan in Espoo City. 

2021 Mujer Migrante. Tejiendo Comunidad. Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Puebla

2020 Migración. Catarsis, arte y literatura.  Spanish Philology. University of Helsinki

2018 Masks and Theater. Workshop for Yhteiset Lapsemme with the support of

2018 Lintutalo. Mexican cardboard masks of birds fro children during the opening of Lauttasaari Manor by Kone Säätiö. Finland. 

2018 We Buzzz! variety of methods to make insect masks out of card. IHME Contemporary Art Festival. Helsinki, Finland

2017. Continuous Transformation: Identity beside Sepideh Rahaa at Kraam artist-run space. Tallinn, Estonia.

2017. ​FEMiNicidios. Info-session on the wave of violence against women in Latin America, with a special focus on Mexico at FemF Feminism Forum. Helsinki, Finland

2017. The​ ​challenges​ ​faced​ ​by​ ​the​ ​Ibero-Aamerican​ ​collective:​ ​global​ ​and​ ​local​ ​in​ ​Helsinki. At Challenges of the future for the Ibero-American collective in Finland organized by Cienmaissí. Helsinki, Finland

2017. Living Heritage Workshop. Into the Migrants and Live Heritage Seminary organized by Museo Virasto. CAISA International Culture Centre. Helsinki, Finland


WORK EXPERIENCE with art & pedagogical approach 

2011 -present

Interkult Kassandra RY 

Pedagogical Artist. 

Planning and direction of workshops for children and youth that combine art and children's rights, Mexican culture and recycling. I have been part of several projects, where my main interest is to introduce children to the art of cartonería mexicana and the culture of recycling, while we talk about human rights and Mexican culture. Some projects carried out are: Koivu ja tähti (2011) Masks and Movement. A mask-workshop focused on creating bridges for communication with migrant women from middle eastern countries. Arts day at Parikkala (2014) Multicultural visit to Parikkala secondary school to share art and culture of the other identities that inhabit Finland. Ylex get together (2017) Artistic caravan in collaboration with Warner music, Yle radio and Interkult with the purpose of bringing part of the cultural diversity that inhabits Finland 100 years after its independence. Since 2020 until now, I have been part of the Kulttuurikurkkaus program. -High-quality artistic and pedagogical activities realize the objectives of the early childhood education plan in Espoo City. 


2022 -present 

Feminismoas Otroas. 

Space for inclusion, rebellion, diversity, and conviviality coexisting with other feminisms manifested in Finland.

Coordinator for dialogue and artistic interventions between Latin American feminists and other feminisms in Finland at Maikki Friberg Koti. On November 25, I was part of the curatorship for Acuerpamiento. The goal was to connect with our individual and collective bodies, to create a common understanding of Acuerpamiento in Finland while we, simultaneously, weave collective actions to confront the various types of violence we experience. 


September 2023

Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America

Conexiones. research project

Conversational-installation workshop “Corpas que Voam”. The intention in the workshop was to weave conditions of trust to address post-pandemic trauma, vulnerability and weave a collectivity from these shared experiences while making a collective piece of community art. Cultural Centre María Antonia. São Paulo, Brasil


2022 Autumn. 


Ambassador of Living Heritage. 

Disseminate the Mexican Day of the Dead through informative workshops and the publication of an article, Día de Muertos mexicano en Finlandia, for the platform Wiki Aineeton Kulttuuriperintö.



Yhteiset Lapsemme RY -promote and protect the welfare and rights of immigrant children.

I have worked intermittently on different projects since 2014. As an artist and artistic initiator my job has been to plan and develop workshops that have the purpose of spreading the cultural diversity of Finland and children's rights through artistic-pedagogical workshops. Some of the projects are: Mask and theater. Durational workshop betside Anne Lihavainen aimed at young migrants and Finns to strengthen self-esteem, teamwork and weave mutual relationships supported by 


December 2013 - December 2021

Third Space Gallery -cross border transcultural collective.

Curator and  facilitator. In charge of several exhibitions.


2016 - 2017

Caisa International Cultural Centre

Producer Assistant at the Gallery. Mounting of exhibitions, production of dissemination materials


November 2013 - October 2015

SALASANAT Project -multilingual encounters of poetry and art in Finland.

Producer and facilitator of multilingual encounters


May 2010-October 2013

Cinemaissí Latin American Film Festival

Logistic coordinator


October 2010 - Agost 2013

Embassy of Mexico in Finland

Cultural Promoter. 

Reports, organization of events and dissemination of the cultural presence of Mexico in Finland



2013 -present

Third Space Collective

Co-founder & membership

2017 -present

La Colectiva

2017 -present

Mechanics of the Conformity



2018- present

Naisasialiitto Unioni member and board substitute


Interkult-Kassandra  Artist

2020 -present

Helsingin Taiteilijaseura member

2018- present

Suomen Kuvataidejärjestöjen Liittomember


Kulttuurikeskus Ninho ry

2015 - 2019 

HIAA Helsinki International Artists' Association ​

2017 - 2019

Art Point Finnish artists' Association

2013 -present

Catalysti Transcultural Artists in Finland


© 2023 by Rosamaría Bolom

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