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Nací en la Ciudad de México en los últimos momentos de los años 70. Allá crecí en la gran Ciudad. Llendo del caos citadino hasta los paisajes azules de Guaymas, Sonora y Nayarit. Tierras de mi madre y mi abuela materna viven en mi imaginación y sentimientos hasta el día de hoy
Cuando emigré a Finlandia, esos paisajes empezaron a florecer. El contraste con mi nueva realidad me hizo fijarme en el bosque y el mar en calma.

Mis caminos y las notas en mis cuadernos han sido una guía de los pasos que he ido dando por esta ciudad de Helsinki.

La escritura ha sido parte de mi práctica desde hace muchos años, teniendo la oportunidad de publicar parte de ellos en revistas impresas, electrónicas, libros, en espacios públicos.

I remember Myself. Video-performance

2019 I was continue my reflections on mechanics of conformity and the coming-up it was a video performance.

I remeber Myself. Installation

At 2017 I start to work with MOC -Mechanics of the Conformity Collective-. This collaboration lead me to a deeper reflection about how norms and values are introjected into our behavior since our childhood. Installation at Espoo Center during "Objekti4" the Contemporary Art Festival in 2018.

Interrupted Cosiness. Sonic installation

Since 2015, we have heard about Trump’s wall when he announced himself a presidential candidate in United States of America. This sonic-poem (2017) was written thinking how hate speech are growing behind the borders.

América había antes que vos

Collective poem installation workingwith Roxana Crisólogo and Martina Miño as part of Maailman Kylässä 2016. This installation is the antecedent of our collective SomoslaColectiva

PASSANGERS. Poetry intervention

2015 as part of Mänttä Art Weeks, our collective Third Space, was invited to take part in the festival with a series of interventions. This poem (written by myself) was installed by the collective and Yvapüro Samaniego at the main entrance of the festival.

Flying Woman

Sculpture installation which refers to the importance of uniting feminine creative energies to make better world.

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